
Automation Final

Business automation, sometimes referred to as ‘black magic’, can be a blessing, or a curse. It’s a curse when it is setup sloppily or applied to the wrong scenario. When done correctly, it can reduce client support calls and emails, smooth out a customer experience, or eliminate human error. All of which, by the way, save tremendous amounts of time, headache, and money.

Executing business operations with automation requires more than just code, though. It requires stepping back to analyze the ‘why’, inspecting the process, and observing the actions. Only then, can automation be used like a surgeon’s scalpel to trim tediousness and free your humans to do more meaningful work. (Wow, can you tell we like this stuff?)


  • Web App Vetting and Integration
  • Zapier Workflows
  • Marketing Automation
  • Process and operation improvements.

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