Our Values

is open web


Mx. Right is always open to hearing new ideas, fresh perspectives, and different ways of thinking and doing! “No” is never their first reaction.

We may disagree with something, or not share a certain perspective; we may even have more expertise in a specific topic, but everything is worth a thought.

And just listening to others opens doors to new ideas and innovation.

#Open #InnovateTogether #NewIdeasWelcome #AdaptToThrive


Mx. Right is always professional. That doesn’t mean they’re uptight or too serious. It just means that they take their work seriously, respect their coworkers and clients, and are always on time and prepared.

Professionalism instills trust in clients and co-workers alike. It’s a show of respect for ourselves, others, and our craft. Not surprisingly, when we’re professional, others respect us more too.

#ProfessionalismMatters #WorkEthicOnPoint #SuccessMindset

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Problem Solver

Mx. Right doesn’t dwell on what’s wrong, what’s not working, or what might seem impossible. Nay! Mx. Right focuses their energy on finding a solution. What is working? How can things be pieced together? What’s the best way, given the circumstances, to move forward and reach our goal? And if heaven forbid, Mx. Right needs to punt, what’s the best alternative? How can we best salvage the situation?

Not everything is clear and straightforward. Sometimes, not everything works. It’s easy to get stuck on the bad and the broken, but that does little to get things done. Problem-solvers like Mx. Right don’t worry about things that don’t work. They focus on solving the problem and getting to a resolution.

#ProblemSolvingSkills  #ResourcefulThinking


Mx. Right doesn’t need every single step and task laid out before them. If given a goal, they can outline their own steps to getting it done.

Too often, people wait to be told what to do. Meanwhile, time and opportunity pass them by. Mx. Right doesn’t sit around waiting like that. They get started.

#NeverStopLearning #GoGetterAttitude #InitiativeTaker

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Mx. Right thinks things through. Do they take action? Yes. Are they a self-starter? Of course. Do they act brashly without thinking? No. They stop, and they ask ‘why?’

While it’s easy to take the first action that comes to our head, quality work comes from making an effort to fully understand the task at hand. Asking ‘Why’ (five times, by some accounts) allows us to grasp the situation more fully, and make smarter decisions to reach the goal.

#ThoughtfulLeadership #StrategicThinking #CriticalThinkingSkills


Mx. Right understands that details are important. Being thorough in our work might take a little more effort up front, but it saves time in the end because you don’t have to come back and do it again.

Being thorough creates quality work that lasts longer.

#AttentionToDetail #ThoroughnessMatters #OrganizedApproach

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Balancing Perfection & Execution

Mx. Right has journeyed down the rabbit hole of perfection, and has learned that it is an elusive finish line. Something can always be better and is therefore never finished. We can toil away at perfection, but we must actually launch, publish, or ship something to make real progress.

Mx. Right understands this delicate balance that is ‘good enough’.

#AdaptAndAdjust #PerfectionismAwareness


Mx. Right explains the reasoning behind their decisions, the logic of concepts, their goals, their concerns, and their tactics.

When working on a team and with clients, arbitrary decisions and delegation come across as fiat. When we explain our thought process and goals and are transparent in how we come to conclusions, our colleagues and clients are more accepting of the result and better informed about the objective. They also have an opportunity to contribute to the decision-making process.

#CollaborationOverCompetition #TransparencyAtWork #OpenCommunication

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Mx. Right communicates with clients and co-workers regularly and often. Without communication, we lose touch, motivation, and opportunities. Keeping the dialogue going helps everyone keep going, and fosters new ideas and possibilities.

#ClearCommunication #EffectiveCommunication #OpenDialogue

Asks For Help

Sometimes, Mx. Right needs help. Maybe they don’t know how a program works, or they’ve hit a mental block on a project. Or maybe they just have too much on their plate.

Regardless, Mx. Right doesn’t waste time trying to figure something out just because they have to be the one to do it. That’s wasteful. They reach out for help. Life is so much better that way.

#SupportiveEnvironment #MutualSupport #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork

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Helps Others

Just as Mx. Right asks for help from others, they are just as quick to offer it to anyone else. We don’t keep secret tips and tricks; we share our knowledge to make everyone better.

#CollaborativeWorkplace #Supportive #ShareKnowledge

Does Things the 'Right' Way

The ideal employee doesn’t cut corners or take shortcuts, and neither does Mx. Right. They do things the right way, even when no one is watching.

#integrity #workethic #doingitright

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